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B12 Injections in Denver

We all know that vitamins, including vitamin B12, are vital to our health. Sometimes, though, it is difficult to ensure that we are getting the essential vitamins we need through our diets alone. It can also be challenging to remember to take supplements on a consistent basis.

Many people experience fatigue, depression, and a number of other ailments due to a deficiency in Vitamin B12. While B12 is available in pill-form, B12 injections have become the preferred method of giving yourself a boost. At Denver Physical Medicine, we are thrilled to offer B-12 injections in Denver. Keep reading to learn more about B12 and how injections could help you!

Conditions Commonly Caused by B12 Deficiencies

B-12 InjectionsB12 deficiencies are common and can cause a wide range of symptoms and health issues, including:

  •          Depression
  •          Fatigue, including chronic fatigue
  •          Poor concentration and memory
  •          Insomnia and other sleep disorders
  •          Headaches
  •          Heart disease
  •          Anemia
  •          Digestive disorders, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  •          Peripheral neuropathy

Nearly anyone can suffer from a B12 deficiency. Some people, however, are more likely to experience this particular problem than others. Deficiencies are common among people with intestinal disorders and can be a side effect of certain medications, including antacids and acid blocking medications. People who are over the age of 45 are also more likely to experience vitamin B12 deficiencies, as are vegans and vegetarians.

Why Vitamin B12 Injections Are Better than Oral Supplements

Treatment with injections is more effective and ensures a higher rate of absorption. While oral supplements are effective for some people, they are not reliable. This is especially true for those who suffer from any digestive imbalances or issues. With intramuscular B12 injections, you can rest assured knowing that all of the vitamin will instantly be delivered directly into your bloodstream.

Benefits of B12 Injections

B12 shots provide immediate health benefits. While everyone’s experience is different, some of the most common benefits of this type of treatment include:

  •          Increased concentration and energy
  •          Weight loss due to improved metabolism
  •          Enhanced immune system
  •          Improved sleep patterns
  •          Increased red blood cell production
  •          Decreased hair loss

Vitamin B12 Shots in Denver

If you think you may be suffering from a deficiency and have low B12 levels, getting B-12 shots could help. For B12 shots in Denver, choose Denver Physical Medicine. To find out more or to schedule an appointment, please reach out to us today!

Our Office
Located near I-25 & S. Colorado Blvd
1780 S Bellaire St #140, Denver, CO 80222
Phone: 303-757-7280