How to Avoid the Heart Attack Risk Associated with Knee and Hip Replacement

Doctors often advise patients with chronic knee or hip pain to undergo knee or hip replacement surgery, despite the risks associated with these procedures. The risk of suffering a heart attack soars in the first month following hip and knee replacement, and there is a significant risk for other serious complications, including infection and numerous other problems.

If you’ve been told that you need a knee or hip replacement, stem cell therapy could be an alternative that provides you with the results you need without the risk.

Stem Cell Therapy for Knee and Hip PainStem Cell Therapy

A recent study published in Arthritis and Rheumatology found that the risk of heart attack increases eightfold in the immediate postoperative period following knee replacement and four-fold following hip replacement surgery.

Stem cell therapy, on the other hand, provides significant relief without the increased risk of heart attack.

The risk of heart attack increases following major surgery due to trauma, anesthetics and blood loss. Stem cell treatments, however, are minimally invasive, require no anesthesia and cause little to no blood loss. This drastically reduces the potential for complications and eliminates the risk of heart attack.

During stem cell therapy, your own stem cells are used rather than the foreign prosthetics used in a joint replacement. With stem cell therapy, there is no chance of rejection or risk of injection. You can leave immediately after your treatment, and the downtime is minimal.

Stem cell therapy allows your body to heal itself naturally. Undifferentiated stem cells take on the characteristics of the cells in the damaged region, and they immediately begin healing your body.

Denver Stem Cell Therapy

For many people, Denver stem cell therapy has proven to be a safe and effective alternative to hip and knee replacement surgery. If you’re suffering from chronic pain in your knee or hip, contact Denver Physical Medicine to learn more about stem cell therapy.